WOULD YOU LIKE TO JOIN THE COMMISSION? Your city needs your talents. We currently have no one running for two of the commissioner positions this election. We will need two residents by the January meeting to join our commission for a one-year term. Please contact Mayor Jeff Magers or Clerk Shannon Tuthill if you would like more information.
Halloween decorating contest winners announced
Congratulations to Charles and Jennifer Folks, 7401 Keisler Way; Kimberly Labelle and Julianne Evers, 7502 Maria Avenue; Sam and Carolyn Scott, 2413 Tavener Drive; and Tom and Catherine Harper, 2301 Wesleyan Court, for having the best Halloween decorations.
Trick or treating moved to Tuesday due to weather
For safety reasons, Bancroft is joining with many other small cities (including Graymoor-Devondale) in having Halloween on Tuesday evening to avoid the heavy rains expected on Wednesday evening. Please spread the word to your neighbors.
Halloween decorating contest
All Bancroft residents are encouraged to participate in the second annual Halloween decorating contest. Residents with the best house/yard decorations will receive a prize and see their spooky/cute/creative work featured on the Bancroft website. Judges will be walking the city Halloween night, and winners will be contacted and announced a few days after.